Welcome to another week on campus, which is as always filled with fun and fascinating society events to attend. We’re all settling into a more definite routine at this stage of the year, which means that it’s time to shake things up a bit and perhaps go to an event that is outside your domain of established likes and hobbies!
This week in Trinity, look out for some great talks from DUBES and Metafizz. On Tuesday, Metafizz will be hosting a talk with Trinity lecturer Dr. Joseph Cohan, in which he aims “to reexamine anti-judaism, and its history, from a philosophical perspective”. This is set to be a doozy of an intellectual interrogation of the development of antisemitism across Europe. Then on Wednesday, former deputy chairman of Superquinn Supermarket Group and Dragons’ Den judge Eamonn Quinn will be talking with DUBES about his career.
Vegan Society are having a potluck on Monday at 1pm. These events are always a great way to meet like-minded folk and sample some delicious recipes you might not have stumbled across before. In other ecologically-oriented news, DU Botanical Society will be teaching a class on fern propagation on Tuesday at 1pm. Have you ever looked at the singular fern in your room and thought, “That’s nice but I wish I could grow an infinite number of additional ferns so that they might completely overrun my room”? Well think no more, as now is the time to do just that! Be merry and multiply (the number of ferns you own, that is).
DU Film Society will run two workshops this week. They are focused on developing the skill sets of amateur filmmakers in both production and script writing. These workshops are excellent for encouraging students to get some filmmaking experience, as well as add to their portfolios. The society will be holding its production workshop on Monday night at 6pm, while its screenwriting workshop will take place on Thursday at the same time.
If you’re in the mood for something more hedonistic, DU General Science Society will be taking to the town on Thursday night at 7pm for a pub crawl. Maybe they’ll scientifically breakdown the components of a mojito, or perhaps they’ll explain the mysterious inner workings of tequila, and why — chemically — it is the most potent of all the dancing juices. I wouldn’t know as I’m only a humble arts student, but it is shaping up to be a wonderful event, so scientists stay tuned.
So get ready for another great week lads. While these are the top picks of the week, as always there are dozens upon dozens of other events on campus this week just waiting for you to attend.