College has appointed ten new spin-out companies designed to exploit the latest innovation in technology and research, all in the name of the University of Dublin.
The companies, which will be based on Campus, are designed to aid Trinity’s science and information technology researchers in entrepreneurial activity. The moves are part of the College Strategic Plan, which has a policy to stimulate knowledge and enterprise across the University on a global scale.
Speaking about the appointment, Provost John Hegarty emphasised its importance for “directly benefiting the Irish economy and society”. He explained, “These new spin-out companies will drive enterprise development that will lead to the creation of sustainable high value jobs”, which Hegarty says is a “key strategic goal of the University”.
Dr James Callaghan, Associate Director of Trinity Research and Innovation, commended the moves. He comments, “[The appointment] has enabled greater commercialisation of Trinity’s world-class research”.
Callaghan tells Trinity News that in 2009 College achieved the highest number of spin-out companies in the history of the University. A total of 116 inventions have been disclosed by Trinity Research and Innovation in the past three years. In 2009 alone, 22 patents were taken out as a result of research by Trinity schools and research centres.