You never remember the extent to which the weeks fly by until you’re back. One day you’re fine and the next instant there’s deadlines everywhere you look and exams loom. But don’t fear, this week is TCDSU welfare campaign’s mental health week. There will be plenty of fabulous society events to enjoy over the next week, where you’ll learn how to relax, be mindful, and keep the rest of the semester as stress-free as possible.
The morning kicks off with a mindful compassion meditation for mental health and improving our kindness to our friends at 1pm in the Global room. It’s sure to be a calm start to the week ahead and relieve that deadline stress. At 1pm, DU Music and the Phil welcome indie rock band Everything Everything in the GMB. The Manchester band have released four albums with their diverse, dynamic song style with complex song construction. They are known for their detailed falsetto lyrics and it’s event that you won’t want to miss! Also at 1pm, there is a mindful and compassion event with DU Meditation in the Global room as part of mental health week to encourage compassion and kindness for those around us. This event also brings tea, snacks, and mindful chats for everyone to have a chill afternoon.
At 5pm DU Ag Soc will be having a wellness walk around Phoenix park to see the deer and have a tea stop along the way. Students can meet the society at 5pm at the James street Luas stop, before heading out to the park for a calm, chill walk and bants.Niteline are hosting a how to support a friend workshop in the Hist Conversation room at 6pm with discussions on self-care, active listening and difficult issues which will be led by one of their amazing and hardworking volunteers. It will be followed by free pizza and music, it is a must to attend for anyone wanting to learn how to best support each other when times get tough.
Also at 6pm, Europa will be teaming up with Language Exchange Ireland for a opportunity for you to brush up on you language skills. Simply meet them at the Campanile or at Dtwo at 6.30pm, and there will be food available at the event as well.
Later in the evening, at 7pm SOFIA are hosting a talk on Brexit: The Endgame in the Synge theatre on the details of Brexit with Andrew Byrne who is a former president of Trinity Student Union, EU Correspondent for the Sunday Times, and a former lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. He will be running through the upcoming Brexit process and sorting through the many questions you have about the complications.
The botanical illustration will be running as usual at 12pm by DU Meditation, Botany Soc and Vis arts which is perfect for relaxing and having a sketch before the day begins. It’ll take place in the Anatomy building and there’ll be a free sketchbook for each student there. At 5pm, Polsoc are hosting presidential candidate Sean Gallagher for an interview in the Swift lecture theatre. He will be speaking about ‘Dragon’s Den’, his business career, and his campaign for the presidency.
In the evening at 7pm, Peggy Gou will speak to the Phil and DUDJ in the receive the gold medal of honorary patronage. She is a renowned Berlin-based, Korean DJ who has achieved international fame for her eclectic music style, while being the youngest and first south Korean to play in Berghain. They say to arrive early to ensure you get a seat! At 7.30, Metafizz are hosting a talk on Max Sheler, by Dr Susi Gottlöbder, on his argument about the political role of elites, leaders and role models. This will be their room in house 6, and afterwards they’ll head out for philosophical chats.
If you’re feeling that midweek slump, start your day off with some mental health yoga with DU Yoga and VTP at 11am. It will take place in room 50 in the Atrium and will be free to all students. You can have a groovy colourful afternoon at tie-dye with DU Amnesty at 2pm at the Pav. They will be providing t-shirts for all and you can spruce up your winter with that 60s vibe. If you’re looking to relax, DU Meditation are hosting a self care workshop at 3pm in the Global room. This is crucial as the semester progresses and you find yourself burnt out or stressed.It’s important to know how to take care of ourselves and to reflect on our own welfare.
At 6pm, DUGES and the Global Development society are having a talk on the migration crisis and human trafficking with Gilliam Wylie; an assistant professor in international peace studies. At the same time, there will be free Irish sign language classes with AMSI in the Biomedical Sciences Institute with assistant professor in deaf studies; Patrick A. Matthews. These are open for any student who want to learn the skill, and is a fantastic opportunity.
The Hist will have their weekly debate on the motion, “this House would recognise AI as legal persons” at 7.30pm in the GMB with DU Computer Science Soc. The intriguing motion will address the point at which we could consider artificial intelligence to be sentient and deserving of legal rights the same as a regular human.
Trinity Publications are hosting their first mixer of the year at 8pm meeting in the publications office in house 6. This event is perfect if you want to get into writing but are puzzled by the vast amount of newsletters and papers. You can get to know students involved in writing over refreshments and chill vibes before they all head out to an undisclosed venue.
Cumann Gaelach are hosting auditions at 2pm for their musical Óisín i(n) (d)Tír na nÓg in the Atrium Conversation Room. Even if you’re not fluent in Irish, all are welcome and it will be hilarious fun, one auditionee will even win a free burrito! On the other hand, if you’re feeling under pressure from the increasing piles of work, you may want to check out DU Meditation’s talk on how to avoid burnout. At 4pm, there will be a homesickness workshop with S2S in the Global Room which may be especially handy if you’re a first year and want to learn some useful tips.
Later at 7pm, DU Classical soc will be heading to the Longstone for a classical twist on ‘Cards against Humanity’ which is sure to be a laugh.The Phil will be hosting their weekly debate at 7.30 in the GMB on ‘whether this House would forgive the Catholic Church’. It’s set to be an interesting and tense motion especially after the recent, and controversial visit of the Pope. Are you yearning for a wacky night out near the end of the week? At 7.30pm Trinity VDP are having a Disney night in the Pav where tickets are only 5 euro. This event raises money for their annual pantomime and everyone is encouraged to dress as a crazy Disney character of their choosing, before heading off to Chaplains at 9pm.
At 4pm, Psych soc will be a talk on a day in the life of a counselling psychologist in the Global Room which will provide a lot of interesting facts about this profession and how they help people day to day.
There’s no one can deny that this is an action packed week! With such a wide choice, there’s something for everyone. So get mindful and have a chill week.