Meg-Elizabeth Lynch was elected Chair of the Trinity Publications committee this evening in a remotely-held AGM. Lynch is a Junior Sophister English and Philosophy student, and served as co-editor of Icarus magazine this year. She will take over from incumbent chair Lauren Boland, who is due to serve as the Editor of Trinity News in the coming year.
Lynch described herself as “delighted” to have been elected. Speaking to Trinity News, she said: “The publications of Trinity community are vital forces of and for the student body and I am as honoured as I am excited to be taking on a leadership role in support of that force.”
Elections for other positions on the executive committee also took place at the meeting. Grace Farrell was elected Secretary. Farrell currently serves as Arts & Culture editor of Trinity News and co-founded a new publication called Moving this year. Sam Hayes is the new Public Relations Officer, having spent this year as editor of TN2. Shannon Connolly will serve as Alumni Officer, and Zahra Torabpouran as Amenities Officer.
Lynch commented “I feel empowered by the dedicated and talented new committee members who have been elected alongside me.”
No one was elected to the post of Treasurer. The only candidate was Lynch, who was ineligible upon being elected Chair.
Trinity Publications is one of Trinity’s five capitated bodies, which receive funding from College through the Capitations Committee. The other four are Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU), the Graduate Students’ Union (GSU), the Central Societies Committee (CSC), and Dublin University Central Athletic Club (DUCAC).
Publications uses its funding to support student-run publications and magazines including Trinity News, Icarus, TN2 and the Piranha.