Misdiagnosis and the portrayal of mental health on TikTok

Since Covid-19, misinformation and exaggeration regarding mental health has grown rampant on TikTok, harming the young people constantly consuming it

In an era where TikTok has almost replaced psychiatrists, Isabella Roussel discusses the dangers of diagnosing ourselves via the social media platform. 

In the spring of 2020, at the peak of Covid-19’s reign of terror and amidst the chaos of

Is the full college experience a myth?

“The best years of your life.” Aoibhínn Clancy debates the pressure students feel to make the most out of their college years

Starting college can elicit anxieties in students around ensuring they get the so-called “full college experience.” While of course we all come to college to get an education and (hopefully) leave with a degree after of years of hard work,

Manchester United made the correct decision on Mason Greenwood, but the public outcry holding them to account should not have been necessary.

Nina Crofts examines the public outcry over Mason Greenwood’s sexual assault allegations, and why the club’s response was somewhat murky.

Since allegations of abuse and assault first came out against Manchester United player Mason Greenwood in January 2022, it has been one of the most contentious topics in my family, particularly between my dad and I. 

I’ve been a Man

A terrible beauty is born: history repeats itself at the Wolfe Tones’ Electric Picnic set.

Kate Byrne explores the potential implications of the high turnout of young people at the Wolfe Tones’ Electric Picnic set.

Like many students, I made the pilgrimage to Stradbally, County Laois for the annual Electric Picnic festival, and flocked to the Electric Arena tent on Saturday to see the Wolfe Tones perform. The thing is, I couldn’t actually see the

The Flow State: What, How and Why?

Maisie Mould provides an insight into the psychology of the flow state and how it could benefit our everyday lives.

Have you ever found yourself so immersed in a task or activity that hours pass in what feels like minutes? This occurrence is known in psychology as a “flow state”. More colloquially referred to as being “in the zone”, flow

The DART+ Programme: A revolutionary expansion or a restrictive hindrance?

The DART+ Programme claims to revolutionise travel in the Greater Dublin Area, but Nina Crofts discusses how the new infrastructural project does little to solve existing problems for commuting students.

In the past few months, Irish Rail have outlined plans to expand the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) past the small coastal commuter area spanning Malahide and Howth down to Bray and Greystones, to include areas further north to Drogheda

The sudden redemption of Sinéad O’Connor’s career is too little, too late.

Kate Byrne explores the disconnect between the criticism of the late singer during her career and the praise she received following her death.

“Remember what I told you, if they hated me they will hate you.” This line from the song Black Boys on Mopeds, which appears on Sinéad O’Connor’s second studio album, perhaps best describes the general public’s attitude towards the singer

Marketing Femininity

An Insight Into The Discourse of This Summer’s Trending Feminine Outlets

Discourse surrounding the idea of femininity and the enjoyment of manifestations of stereotypical femininity is highly topical in the current cultural climate. The world has been saturated in pink for the promotion and release of the Barbie film, and highly-coveted

The Trial of Resitting: Navigating the Labyrinth of College Exam Resits

Resitting exams can often feel like a losing battle, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right strategies in place, resits can be a manageable experience.

So, you got your results back. You failed an exam, or two, or more, and you don’t know what to do. Summer is ruined and you don’t know how to process this information. Your J1, internship or other summer plans