
For the love of college: a part-time job, a full-time passion

What it’s really like to voluntarily take on some of the most demanding student positions at Trinity

Academics, GMB chamber debates, drunken society balls, and packed pub crawls. With this being the experience of most Trinity students, it is often too easy to forget that our college experience is largely shaped by fellow students. For a select


State of the Union

Understanding your 2023/24 TCD Student Union: how to take an active role in your education this year

Whether you are starting College or deeply embroiled in the rigours of your degree, it can often feel as though you have no direct input in the administration of your own education. In a large institution such as Trinity, it


“It’s a fundamentally exploitative system here”: Inside the ongoing struggle for postgraduate rights

An in-depth look into the testing postgraduate experience in Ireland

“We are all hurt by the system, not everyone in the same way.” This is the harsh reality of postgraduate study according to Seathrún (Jeffrey) Sardina, chair of Trinity College Dublin’s branch of the Postgraduate Workers’ Organisation (PWO). Speaking to