
87.8% of students believe consent workshops should take place every year

TCDSU arranged the sexual consent workshops for Trinity Hall during Fresher’s Week

87.8% of students who attended the consent workshops organised by Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) stated they believe the workshops should take place “every orientation”, according to feedback gathered by the Union.

50.6% of respondents “strongly agreed” that the …


EU report finds 21% of Irish people believe sex without consent to be “ok”

The report was part of an EU study to mark International Day to End Violence Against Women

The results of a recent Eurobarometer poll have brought to light the “alarming” attitudes towards sexual consent and assault in Ireland. The report was carried out in June and published yesterday to mark International Day to End Violence Against Women.


UCDSU criticise UCD management in wake of revenge porn controversy

According to the statement from UCDSU, university management also “alleged that the entire [revenge porn] situation was manipulated by the students’ union to advance their consent campaign”